Monday, 14 December 2009

Resistance - not a failing of mine

Today I went knocking door to door around the neighbourhood, carrying a photo of the white cat that has recently decided to spend every day sitting on the bench in my garden. Is it a stray? If so, I'll carry on feeding him, much to the annoyance of the other cats around here, including my own. How could I resist? If it has an owner, I'll stop feeding the cat, of course. Regretfully.

I learned that lots of people just hate cats ("the birds, the birds", they say, to which I reply "the worms, the worms".)

And I talked to people who didn't even know if next door had a cat. How could you not know such basic essentials? Shame on you all.

I tracked down the owner, and the cat's name is Harley. Sigh ....

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