Monday 1 March 2010

I have a dream

I have a dream. One day the owner of the lovely cat who visits my garden everyday, and who hangs around on the bench peacefully watching the world, will come to me and say "Look, I just can't look after him any more, and the dog is driving him crazy. Could you ..., I mean, would you mind...?"

Yoshka will look up at me and indicate her approval, and I'll nod my head to the woman and say "He's in good hands now. You may visit anytime you want."

Then with a guilt-free conscience I will open the back door for the first time to him, and he'll come in from the cold and make himself comfortable on a chair. I'll peek into the room later and find Yoshka curled up alongside him.

This is my dream. It's small, but it's mine.

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